
AngularJS get json field name

I started learning AngularJS a few days ago, and I wonder how do I get the name of a field in a JSON file.

{contador: "1159273", Code: "TCP_MISS/200", $$hashKey: "object:12"}

Thats one line of the json file, and I want to get the "contador" and "Code". My objective is to do a table with that on top.

Here is my HTML code:

<table class="table">
    <tr >
      <td ng-repeat="(key, name) in $">{{key}}</td>
    <tr ng-repeat="linha in $">
      <td>{{ linha.contador }}</td>
      <td>{{ linha.Code }}</td>

The "key" returns 0 1 2 ... and I want to get "contador" and "Code".


  • It is because your data is an array change this line

     <td ng-repeat="(key, name) in $">{{key}}</td>

    with the following

    <td ng-repeat="(key, name) in $[0]">{{key}}</td>
