
Breadcrumbs list in ActiveAdmin shows wrong name when using friendly_id

I have a model named Company that has code. The column is used for friendly_id.

class Company < ActiveRecord::Base
  extend FriendlyId
  friendly_id :code, use: :slugged

ActiveAdmin doesn't recognize friendly_id, so that I had to override find_resource method like this:

ActiveAdmin.register Company do
  controller do
    def find_resource

With this code I can edit the model attributes by ActiveAdmin, but breadcrumbs list in edit page shows wrong company's name. (That is using id, instead of code)

Where and how can I configure to use ActiveAdmin and friendly_id at the sametime?


  • breadcrumb method is defined in lib/active_admin/dsl.rb

    # Rewrite breadcrumb links.
    # Block will be executed inside controller.
    # Block must return an array if you want to rewrite breadcrumb links.
    # Example:
    #   ActiveAdmin.register Post do
    #     breadcrumb do
    #       [
    #         link_to('my piece', '/my/link/to/piece')
    #       ]
    #     end
    #   end
    def breadcrumb(&block)
      config.breadcrumb = block

    Since it is executed in the controller, you can use your custom find_resource method to configure it to your liking!