
Start Rserve instance with SSL/TLS?

I am in a Windows environment, trying to start an instance of Rserve with TLS/SSL encryption using a config file with the following settings:

tls.key Rserve.key
tls.cert Rserve.cert
tls.port 4902
qap disable

When I build my Rserve instance, I get the following error:

WARNING: useplain=no, but this Rserve has no crypt support!
Set useplain=yes or compile with crypt support (if your system supports crypt).

The solution seems to be to compile Rserve with some OpenSSL option enabled, but I can't find any documentation to do so anywhere. I originally used CRAN to install Rserve. Can someone point me in the right direction?


  • I managed to build Rserve with TSL support on Windows with the next steps: