We have 2 struts1 applications, earlier we have one call from one application to other.
In 1st application in config.xml we are calling 2nd application using below functionality,
<forward name="inquiry" path="/inquiryaccount.do?prefix=/inquiry&page=/inquiryconnect.do" redirect="false" />
<action path="/inquiryaccount" type="org.apache.struts.actions.SwitchAction" />
And we have inquiryconnect.do present in other application config.xml
Now we have migrated one application from struts1 to struts2. And in struts2 config.xml (struts.xml) but I didn't found any SwitchAction like class to call other struts1 action.
I have tried with below but not working.
<result type="redirectAction">
<param name="inquiry">inquiryconnect.do</param>
<param name="namespace">/inquiry</param> </result>
It is giving me 404.
Could anyone guide me please?
Answering my own Question.
In Struts.xml, have a dynamic result such as:
<result name="success" type="redirect">${url}</result>
In the action:
private String url;
public String getUrl()
return url;
public String execute()
url = hostPath+"/appnametojump/actionclassname.do";
return "success";
By using above code now we can call Struts1 application from Struts2.