
'File name differs from already included file name only in casing' on relative path with same casing

Error TS1149: File name 'C:/Project/frontend/scripts/State.ts' differs from already included file name '../frontend/scripts/State.ts' only in casing.

I've triple checked the casing in our references and the actual files have the correct casing as well. As far as I can tell, this is solely because the relative path uses incorrect casing, or perhaps it's just because of the relative path itself?

The thing is, it compiles just fine on Mac and Linux, but throws this error on Windows.

If it helps, forceConsistentCasingInFileNames is enabled in the tsconfig, and we're using tsify to compile.


  • The answer was that we were using tisfy 1.0.1, when forceConsistentCasingInFileNames wasn't supported until 4.0.0. Updating fixed the issue.