In my project , i should use tree structure. after seeing documentation of treebeard ,i thought it is well suitable. thanks for providing clear documentation. In documentation, provided the example
node = get('Memory')
get('Hard Drives')
<Category: Category: Hard Drives>
<Category: Category: SSD>
get('Desktop Memory')
In the above code if i want add child for sibling(ex:Hard Drives),how i can do that
Playing with the example: store objects in variables and use them. Have a look at drives variable below:
>>> from fora.models import Category
>>> get = lambda node_id: Category.objects.get(pk=node_id)
>>> root = Category.add_root(name='Computer Hardware')
>>> node = get('Memory')
>>> drives = get('Hard Drives')
>>> drives.add_child(name='HDD')
<Category: Category object (4)>
>>> drives.add_child(name='SDD')
<Category: Category object (5)>