I want to know how return JSON for my REST calls compressed:
GET /orders HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
But the docs only talk about returning files
let setJson it =
|> OK
>=> setMimeType "application/json; charset=utf-8"
let doReq route request action =
path route >=> setCORSHeaders >=> request (fun r -> action(r) |> setJson)
doReq "/orders" request (fun r -> queryOrders(r |> getTerm, Products.Name))
I believe this is configured in the MIME type maps by adding a new MIME type and passing true
for the second parameter, like this:
let mimeTypes =
@@ (function | ".json" -> createMimeType "application/json" true | _ -> None)
let webConfig = { defaultConfig with mimeTypesMap = mimeTypes }
The configuration for MIME types and compression is documented on this page.