
Compile ffmpeg with x265 and fdk-aac on Minibian - dependencies not found

I am trying to get a live streaming device to work on a raspberry pi. I am running minibian. I roughly follow this guide without the cross compiling.

My problem is probably with the compilation of ffmpeg. I downloaded and compiled both x265 and fdk-aac and compiled them. Next I have to compile ffmpeg, which is in the same folder as the other ones, but the compiler can't find any of the dependencies. x265 also cannot be found using pkg-config, which is the error it produces when I try to run ./configure.

I directly cloned everything into one folder, so that in a folder called ffmpeg_files there are three other folders: ffmpeg, fdk-aac and x265. How do I properly include these dependencies so I can enable them when I compile ffmpeg?

Thank you!

Okay, so this is not really an answer to this question.

After a long time of trial and error and a lot of help by the great user Mulvya I decided not to use Minibian, but Raspbian Stretch Lite. There, everything worked very smoothly. Just remember to run sudo ldconfig after installing the codec libraries like x264/x265 or fdk-aac.

Thanks everybody for your help!


  • I was stuck getting the same error, and this solution worked for me:

    First check if pkg-config can find x265:

    $ pkg-config --modversion x265

    Package x265 was not found in the pkg-config search path.

    Perhaps you should add the directory containing x265.pc to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable:

    No package 'x265' found.

    $ export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig
    $ pkg-config --modversion x265