I'm new to Swift and I'm trying to implement a custom UIKeyCommand
architecture in a practice app. I wrote the extension below for the base UISplitViewController
to show all UIKeyCommands
in the current views on screen.
extension UISplitViewController {
open override var canBecomeFirstResponder: Bool {
return true
var BPKeyCommands: [BPKeyCommand]? {
var commands: [BPKeyCommand] = []
var mastervc = self.viewControllers.first
if (mastervc is UINavigationController) {
mastervc = (mastervc as! UINavigationController).viewControllers.last
if let masterCommands = mastervc.commands {
for command in masterCommands {
return commands
open override var keyCommands: [UIKeyCommand]? {
var commands: [UIKeyCommand] = []
if let bpkeycommands = BPKeyCommands {
for command in bpkeycommands {
let new = UIKeyCommand(input: command.input,
modifierFlags: command.modifierFlags,
action: #selector(executeKeyCommand(sender:)),
discoverabilityTitle: command.title)
return commands
@objc private func executeKeyCommand(sender: UIKeyCommand) {
if let index = keyCommands?.firstIndex(of: sender) {
if let command = BPKeyCommands?[index] {
Now, as you might expect this throws an error at if let masterCommands = mastervc.commands {
, because UIViewController doesn't contain the commands variable out of the box. My question is: how can I have
UIViewControllerhave that variable? Just like all controllers can override
keyCommands` by default?
You have to create a protocol with command variable and make your view controller conform to it (step 1). Either you can provide values for particular view controller or you can provide a default implementation.
step 1:- Create a protocol with the variable you need.
protocol Commandable{
var commands: [String]{set get}
extension Commandable{
var commands: [String]{
get{return ["hello","world"]}
step 2:- Make then controllers which you are using conform it
step 3:- change the above code to get commands
if let commandProtocol = masterVC as? Commandable
let commands = commandProtocol.commands
// handle it
Make sure the variable is unique so you don't accidentally override it.
Thank you.