I am trying to add all files from module subdirectory to Webpack externals. Especially data of react-intl locale files.
I am tryng to specify a path to the locale files with a regexp in a webpack config, but it does't work:
module.exports = {
externals: [
// ...
I am loading those files dynamically, is there a problem?
const localeData = require(`react-intl/locale-data/${language.getLocale()}`);
Every dependency is correctly externalized, except those locale files: Webpack bundle
It seems like
const localeData = require(`react-intl/locale-data/en`);
if you specify not a dynamic way, then it works as you expected.
I've been using a different way to avoid this problem as below and load dynamically.
// Choose the locales that we want to include for react-intl
new webpack.ContextReplacementPlugin(/react-intl[\/\\]locale-data$/, /en|ja|id|es/),