
No actions available for my custom Drupal trigger

I am writing a Drupal module (filemaker) and defined some custom triggers. The triggers show up just fine, but say 'No available actions for this trigger.' at admin/build/trigger/filemaker.

Any idea how to make actions available for my trigger?

Thanks in advance.

 * Implementation of hook_hook_info().
function filemaker_hook_info() {
  return array(
    'filemaker' => array(
      'filemaker' => array(
        'create' => array(
          'runs when' => t('After creating a FileMaker record'),
        'update' => array(
          'runs when' => t('After updating a FileMaker record'),

 * Implementation of hook_filemaker().
function filemaker_filemaker($op, $node) {
  $aids = _trigger_get_hook_aids('filemaker', $op);
  $context = array(
    'hook' => 'filemaker',
    'op' => $op,
    'node' => $node,
  actions_do(array_keys($aids), $node, $context);

    // Fire off the hook.
    module_invoke_all('filemaker', 'create', $node);


  • Got it. Found the answer here.

    Needed a hook_action_info_alter().

     * Implementation of hook_action_info_alter().
    function filemaker_action_info_alter(&$info) {
      // Loop through each action.
      foreach ($info as $type => $data) {
        // Only add our trigger to node or system actions.
        if (stripos($type, "node_") === 0 || stripos($type, "system_") === 0) {
          // Don't remove any triggers that are already added to the approved list.
          if (isset($info[$type]['hooks']['application'])) {
            $info[$type]['hooks']['filemaker'] = array_merge($info[$type]['hooks']['filemaker'], array('create', 'update'));
          // Add our trigger to the approved list of hooks.
          else {
            $info[$type]['hooks']['filemaker'] = array('create', 'update');