I am new to Ruby on Rails. I want to have following structure for admin section.
app/controller/admin/admin_controller.rb and all other admin section controller under app/controller/admin/ folder
app/views/layout/admin/admin.html.erb to keep separate html layout for admin section
At the same time i want to use Devise Gem for admin and front end user authentication.
I executed rails g devise:views admin
, rails generate devise Admin
and rails g controller admin/home index
command that created views, model and controller for admin user. Now what routes and other setting i need to add so that ruby could understand that if i type http://localhost:3000/admin/ then i should be redirected to http://localhost:3000/admins/sign_in/ page and after entering correct admin credentials i should redirected to index method of controllers/admin/home_controller.rb
is it also possible to keep singular convention of Devise admin views like admin/sign_in
instead of admins/sign_in
I have searched a lot but could not get relevant help. Please provide steps to achieve above.
Thanks in advance.
This is how route file looks like
Rails.application.routes.draw do
namespace :admin do
get 'home/index'
devise_for :admins
# For details on the DSL available within this file, see http://guides.rubyonrails.org/routing.html
root to: "home#index"
When i type http://localhost:3000/admin/ then i get below error
Your problem is that you do not have root route defined for /admin
I have the same URL convention routes in one of the apps and routes.rb
looks like this:
Rails.application.routes.draw do
# Admin part
devise_for :admins, path: '/admin'
scope module: :admin, path: '/admin', as: 'admin' do
root to: 'home#index'
# Redirect app root to client part
root to: redirect(path: '/panel', status: 301)
# Client part
devise_for :clients, path: '/panel'
scope module: :panel, path: '/panel', as: 'panel' do