So I am trying to get the sing method to play one of the audioclips I created up top. I know I need an audioSource, I just have no clue how it fits in with the audioClips. I don't currently have an audiosoure assigned to the object that this script is assigned to, so that might impact things. Thanks for your help.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class Piano : MonoBehaviour {
private List<AudioClip> notes = new List<AudioClip>();
public string voice;
public AudioClip ash1, a1, b1, csh1, c1, dsh1, d1, e1, f1, fsh1, g1, gsh1;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
notes.Add(a1); notes.Add(b1); notes.Add(ash1); notes.Add(c1); notes.Add(csh1);notes.Add(d1); notes.Add(dsh1);
notes.Add(e1); notes.Add(f1); notes.Add(g1); notes.Add(gsh1);
//consider adding countertenor, true alto (i am using mezzo soprano), and baritone.
void WarmUp(string vp)
//high and low end of voice parts
// 30 = c4 for example
int high;
int low;
ArrayList range = new ArrayList();
//c4 to c6
if (vp == "Soprano")
high = 0; //this is just a range to make the code shorter
low = 7;
for(int i = low; i < high; i++)
* @Param: range. the arraylist of range of notes.
* shift the pitch UP one half step if the up arrow key is pressed
* shift the pitch down one half step if the down arrow key is pressed
* shift the pitch up a third (4 half steps) if the left arrow key is pressed
* shift the pitch up a fifth (7 half steps) if the right arrow key is pressed
void Sing(ArrayList range)
//how to play one of the audioclips in range here
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
Attach a AudioSource
component to your GameObject.
In Sing
yourAudioSource.clip = (AudioClip)range[Random.Range(0, range.Count)];
You might also consider changing ArrayList range
to List<AudioClip> range
or similar to avoid the cast