
How do I use IFNULL with window function in MySQL

How do I use ifnull with a window function?

Let's say I have this query result below, lag1 is just the budget column shifted down using the window function, because of that, the value is null. But I want to replace that null with a zero so I can calculate the difference between budget and lag1.

select id, budget,
    lag(budget) over (order by id) as lag1
    from projects;

| id | budget  | lag1    |
|  1 | 1000000 |    NULL |  
|  2 |  100000 | 1000000 |  
|  3 |     100 |  100000 |

I tried the following two examples but it doesn't work:

select id, budget,
ifnull(lag(budget),0) over (order by id) as lag1
from projects;

select id, budget,
ifnull((lag(budget) over (order by id) as lag1),0)
from projects;


  • I guess your mysql version lower than 8.0 because your second solution had been worked.

    select id, budget, ifnull(lag(budget) over (order by id),0) as lag1
    from projects;


    if you mysql version lower than 8.0, you need to write a subquery in select to get before row data by ID


    CREATE TABLE projects(
      ID INT,
       budget INT
    INSERT INTO projects VALUES (1,1000000);
    INSERT INTO projects VALUES (2,100000);
    INSERT INTO projects VALUES (3,100);


    SELECT *,IFNULL((select budget FROM projects t1 WHERE > order by desc limit 1 ) ,0) lag1
    FROM projects t


    | ID |  budget |    lag1 |
    |  1 | 1000000 |       0 |
    |  2 |  100000 | 1000000 |
    |  3 |     100 |  100000 |
