I am executing a shell script via chef like below
execute 'Run postgres data migration' do
command '/home/ubuntu/build-target/infra-base/psql10_migration.sh'
live_stream true
action :run
only_if { ::File.exist?('/home/ubuntu/build-target/infra-base/psql10_migration.sh') }
My chef logs are directed to a file (log_location '/var/log/arkin/chef-run.log'
Right now I am not getting any logs from the bash script psql10_migration.sh
. Can someone let me know how can I get the logs from the bash script ?
Used in bash redirection like below
execute 'Run postgres data migration' do
command '/home/ubuntu/build-target/infra-base/psql10_migration.sh >> /home/ubuntu/logs/psql10-migration.log 2>&1'
action :run
only_if { ::File.exist?('/home/ubuntu/build-target/infra-base/psql10_migration.sh') }