I have a scrollview embedded in a cell of tableview. The scrollview is a Foxit PDF rendering engine.
I want to scroll vertically the tableview, horizontally the scroll view. I couldn't. As on the first GIF you see scrollview is bouncing even the content height and scroll height is equal. But at least paging is possible.
Then I added a custom scrollview over the Foxit view into the cell. The bouncing disappeared and scrolling up and down the scrollview scrolls the table view. That is good. But now I can not horizontally scroll and change pages of the PDF.
What to do how to "merge" the two approach?
Try to play with panGestureRecognizer
of scrollView and tableView. Install a relationship to prevent scrollView getting gestures before tableView scrollView.panGestureRecognizer.require(toFail: tableView.panGestureRecognizer)