
Are SRI's integrity and crossorigin values kept in package.json or elsewhere?

This is bootstrap's official CDN stylsheet:

<link rel="stylesheet" 

However in my markup I don't hardcode the version because that can change, so I pull it out of my build system or app. A fictitious example:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="$VERSION/all.min.js" />

As you can see $VERSION is not hardcoded. So I can change which version I'm using during the build process (in package.json) and not have to edit my app.

Now I want to add integrity in the same way. I was hoping I could find it in a package.json, but for bootsrap for example it's not there. I assume for other packages too.

I know I can calculate it like this:

echo -n "alert('Hello, world.');" | openssl dgst -sha384 -binary | openssl base64 -A

but I don't want to overcomplicate my build system.

Is there some place I can get this value from, without having to hardcode it? I pull the version automatically from my project's package.json (or the one in node_modules/bootstrap) so I am hoping to do something similar for integrity.


  • Since the value isn't easily accessible from the package.json or elsewhere in a package's directory, I use the ssri npm module.

    More work, but doesn't look like there's a better way.