
Spring boot rest service to download a zip file which contains multiple file

I am able to download a single file but how I can download a zip file which contain multiple files.

Below is the code to download a single file but I have multiples files to download. Any help would greatly appreciated as I am stuck on this for last 2 days.

public Response  downloadFile(@PathParam("fname") String fileName,@PathParam("ext") String fileExt){
    File file = new File("C:/temp/"+fileName+"."+fileExt);
    ResponseBuilder rb = Response.ok(file);
    rb.header("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + file.getName());
    Response response =;
    return response;


  • Use these Spring MVC provided abstractions to avoid loading of whole file in memory. &

    This way, your underlying implementation can change without changing controller interface & also your downloads would be streamed byte by byte.

    See accepted answer here which is basically using to create a Resource and there is a logic to create zip file on the fly too.

    That above answer has return type as void, while you should directly return a Resource or ResponseEntity<Resource> .

    As demonstrated in this answer, loop around your actual files and put in zip stream. Have a look at produces and content-type headers.

    Combine these two answers to get what you are trying to achieve.