I'm currently writing an audio recording to the iOS filesystem using the Expo library for React Native. I'm using the FileSystem.documentDirectory
as per the expo docs, however this file isn't accessible when using the iOS11 Files app. Is it possible with Expo to write somewhere which allows this, or failing that to iCloud? It seems like the FileSystem.documentDirectory
is a sandboxed area within the filesystem.
Actually it appears that it does work, but you have to build the actual iOS app .ipa file. It wasn't working from expo via simulator, but once I was testing via TestFlight the files did appear in the Files app.
The ios
key of Expo's app.json
looks like this. I haven't tested whether all of these keys are required:
"ios": {
"infoPlist": {
"UISupportsDocumentBrowser": true,
"UIFileSharingEnabled": true,
"LSSupportsOpeningDocumentsInPlace": true