I have a program that works well from Qt 5.6
const QUrl qurl(url);
QNetworkRequest request(qurl);
//github redirects the request, so this attribute must be set to true, otherwise returns nothing
//from qt5.6
request.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::FollowRedirectsAttribute, true);
QNetworkAccessManager manager;
QNetworkReply * reply = manager.get(request);
Unfortunately this only works from Qt 5.6
Could anyone help me to make the redirect o Qt5.5 (Ubuntu 16.04) I guess I have to follow the redirection manually, but I have found no tutorial on it.
I found a solution for Qt4 -> QNetworkReply and 301 redirect
I was hoping there is something more "updated" for Qt5.
Here it is the way I have solved it following Qt4 style as in QNetworkReply and 301 redirect.
If anyone has a better solution please post
QNetworkAccessManager manager;
QVariant possibleRedirectUrl;
QNetworkReply * reply;
QUrl qurl;
//we check if there is any redirect to follow it
//from Qt 5.6 redirects can be automatically followed by setting
//request.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::FollowRedirectsAttribute, true);
//here is done automatically becaus of Ubuntu 16.04 Qt version (5.5)
qInfo() <<"Downloading " << qurl;
QNetworkRequest request(qurl);
reply = manager.get(request);
qInfo() << "waiting to finish...";
//if download takes more time that set on timeout cancel download
if(reply->isFinished()) break;
_timeout = false;
qInfo() << "finished!";
possibleRedirectUrl = reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::RedirectionTargetAttribute);
qurl = possibleRedirectUrl.toUrl();
qInfo() << qurl;