I'm trying to access elements from the previous and next arrays. Is this even possible with liquid/Jekyll? I want to access the previous and next url of pages.
This is what I have done so far.
Thanks in advance.
To make sure that that liquid is working on my site I tested by outputting the current page url :
//this line also works
and this is how I defied the array which takes the data from a yml file
{% assign page_venue = site.data.venues-array | where: "venueID", page.venue | first %}
This is part of the yml file:
venueID: Red-Radish
name: Red Radish
url: redradish
building: 65
neighborhood: University Union
venueID: Poly-Deli
name: Poly Deli
url: polydeli
building: 19
neighborhood: University Union
venueID: Myrons
name: Myron's
url: myrons
previous: MustangStation
building: 19
neighborhood: University Union
So I'm having trouble outputting something like this(only the current url works):
Current url: polydeli
Previous url: reddish
Next url: myrons
I've the tried the following, but none work:
First, you need to format the venues-array.yml file correctly, like so:
- venueID: Red-Radish
name: Red Radish
url: redradish
building: 65
neighborhood: University Union
- venueID: Poly-Deli
name: Poly Deli
url: polydeli
building: 19
neighborhood: University Union
- venueID: Myrons
name: Myron's
url: myrons
previous: MustangStation
building: 19
neighborhood: University Union
Then you can access the next and previous URLs like this:
{% for venue in site.data.venues-array %}
{% assign next = forloop.index0 | plus: 1 %}
{% assign previous = forloop.index0 | minus: 1 %}
<div>Name: {{ venue.name }}</div>
<div>Current URL: {{ venue.url }}</div>
<div>Previous url:{{ site.data.venues-array[previous].url }}</div>
<div>Next URL is:{{ site.data.venues-array[next].url }}</div>
{% endfor %}
Which will out this:
Name: Red Radish
Current URL: redradish
Previous url:myrons
Next URL is:polydeli
Name: Poly Deli
Current URL: polydeli
Previous url:redradish
Next URL is:myrons
Name: Myron's
Current URL: myrons
Previous url:polydeli
Next URL is: