
Fusing arrows sideways in mermaid diagrams

How can I add laterally fused arrows in a R sequential mermaid diagram? In the the example below:

graph TB
    A[GE Solution]-->C{1:1}
    B[GA Solution]-->C{1:1} 
    C{1:1}-->D[Stir 10 mins at 500 r/min]
    D[Stir 10 mins at 500 r/min]-->E[Homogenisation at 10000 r/min]

How could I produce sth like the following?

enter image description here


  • I played around with mermaid and I'm not sure there is functionality for that, it looks like it was meant to be a simple solution for documentation, not one with lots of flexibility. You can do the same diagram however with graphViz:

    grViz("digraph dot {
        node [shape=rectange];
        d1 [shape=point,width=0.01,height=0.01];
        {'GE Solution', 'GA Solution'}->d1[dir=none];
        d1->'Stir 10 mins at 500 r/min';
        'Stir 10 mins at 500 r/min'->'Homogenisation at 10000 r/min'}")

    enter image description here

    Edit to respond to comment: Use a subgraph and rank an invisible dot (d2 in this example) and the the node you wish to have it level with as the same (here 40oC).

    grViz("digraph dot {
    node [shape=rectange];
    d1 [shape=point,width=0.01,height=0.01];
    d2 [shape=point, width=0.01, height=0.01];
    {'GE Solution', 'GA Solution'}->d1[dir=none];
    d1->'Stir 10 mins at 500 r/min';
    'Stir 10 mins at 500 r/min'->d2[dir=none];
    subgraph {
        d2; '40oC';
    d2->'Homogenisation at 10000 r/min'}")

    enter image description here