
clientBundleFieldNameUnlikelyToCollideWithUserSpecifiedFieldOkay_33_g$(...).style_86_g$ is not a function

Well, all of a sudden everything seems to be broken. I can't recall what I changed. I cleaned the whole project, I checked out an older version of it, I removed all code-server compiled files, restarted Eclipse etc. but I am getting the following error here:

Caused by: (TypeError) : this.get_clientBundleFieldNameUnlikelyToCollideWithUserSpecifiedFieldOkay_17_g$(...).style_48_g$ is not a function TypeError: this.get_clientBundleFieldNameUnlikelyToCollideWithUserSpecifiedFieldOkay_17_g$(...).style_48_g$ is not a function
    at Jmg_g$ [as build_style_17_g$] (
    at Dmg_g$ (
    at ymg_g$ [as createAndBindUi_17_g$] (
    at zmg_g$ [as createAndBindUi_0_g$] (
    at tmg_g$ (
    at qng_g$ [as com$mz$client$application$admin$home$HomeView_com$mz$client$application$admin$home$HomeView_methodInjection_0_g$] (
    at xng_g$ [as get_Key$type$com$mz$client$application$admin$home$HomeView$_annotation$$none$$_0_g$] (
    at ung_g$ [as get_Key$type$com$mz$client$application$admin$home$HomePresenter$MyView$_annotation$$none$$_0_g$] (
    at vng_g$ [as get_Key$type$com$mz$client$application$admin$home$HomePresenter$_annotation$$none$$_0_g$] (
    at Gng_g$ [as get_27_g$] (
    at Hng_g$ [as get_21_g$] (
    at I5f_g$ [as get_16_g$] (
    at b7d_g$ [as getPresenter_0_g$] (
    at lag_g$ [as handleRequest_0_g$] (
    at xag_g$ [as onPlaceRequest_0_g$] (
    at L6d_g$ [as dispatch_54_g$] (
    at K6d_g$ [as dispatch_1_g$] (
    at W6b_g$ [as dispatch_0_g$] (
    at Ngc_g$ (
    at rhc_g$ [as doFire_0_g$] (
    at yhc_g$ [as fireEventFromSource_0_g$] (
    at x4d_g$ [as fireEvent_1_g$] (
    at v4d_g$ [as doRevealPlace_0_g$] (
    at R4d_g$ [as revealPlace_1_g$] (
    at Q4d_g$ [as revealPlace_0_g$] (
    at Jxg_g$ [as redirectToLoggedOnPage_0_g$] (
    at Mug_g$ [as loggedInAndInitialized_0_g$] (
    at Vug_g$ [as done_1_g$] (
    at Wce_g$ [as onChildRequestFailure_0_g$] (
    at Xce_g$ [as onChildRequestSuccess_0_g$] (
    at gde_g$ [as onSuccess_0_g$] (
    at Lfd_g$ [as onResponseReceived_0_g$] (
    at pjc_g$ [as fireOnResponseReceived_0_g$] (
    at xkc_g$ [as onReadyStateChange_0_g$] (
    at XMLHttpRequest.<anonymous> (
    at DI_g$ (
    at GI_g$ (
    at XMLHttpRequest.<anonymous> (

It is happening now after I login and reveal the home place which looks like this:

private void revealAdminHomePlace() {
    this.placeManager.revealPlace(new PlaceRequest.Builder()

Here is the HomeModule:

public class HomeModule extends AbstractPresenterModule {
    protected void configure() {
        this.bindPresenter(HomePresenter.class, HomePresenter.MyView.class,
                HomeView.class, HomePresenter.MyProxy.class);

The HomePresenter

public class HomePresenter extends Presenter<HomePresenter.MyView, HomePresenter.MyProxy> {

    private final static Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(HomePresenter.class.getName());

    public interface MyView extends View {

    public interface MyProxy extends ProxyPlace<HomePresenter> {

    public HomePresenter(EventBus eventBus, MyView view, MyProxy proxy) {
        super(eventBus, view, proxy, AdminToolPresenter.SLOT_AdminToolMainContent);

    protected void onReveal() {

The HomeView:

public class HomeView extends ViewImpl implements HomePresenter.MyView {

    public interface Binder extends UiBinder<Widget, HomeView> {

    public HomeView(Binder uiBinder) {

As well as the HomeView.ui.xml file:

<!DOCTYPE ui:UiBinder SYSTEM "">
<ui:UiBinder xmlns:ui=""

        <m:MaterialLabel text="Welcome home!"/>

I have no idea what is wrong here and I can't seem to figure out the problem. I have absolutely no clue what this is all of a sudden..


  • In my case this seemed to have been caused by including some modern CSS in the widget's ui:style... No idea how that caused the error but I suspect the offending line is this: grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit, minmax(150px, 1fr));. Once I put this piece of styling in a normal CSS file everything worked.