
How integrate scorm courses to my website

I have scorm course, this is a package with next files

I can upload it to scorm cloud (using scorm driver) and launch it here. But I need to display this course on my own website. And I don't understand how to do this.

Should I use some scorm player? Here is said than I can use scorm cloud, but it doesn't fit for me (or i don't understand something).

Or should I to use scorm wrapper? But how use it for display course.

In feature I will get scorm packages from server.


  • Basic recipe for SCORM (Build vs Buy) -

    And this is all just considering time to market. If you are in the Aquire / Buy category -

    Free: Moodle (SCORM 1.2, limited or no SCORM 2004)

    All other options I'm aware of start to have subscription, seat or one time payment options. Keep in mind, these were created from 2001-2009. I want you to get in a time machine and go back in time and remember the state of JavaScript ;). So something to watch out for depending on what you goals are.

    I will plug the fact I sell the SCORM Runtime API only for integration with a existing site but you must bring the surrounding API support, Database and Lesson Viewer (I provide examples of this, documentation and support). But, obviously depending on your goals as you Google this issue you'll realize this "ask" ranges from thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars vs. spending 2 years reading white paper specifications and sorting all this out.

    My site has plenty of info as well as my GitHub open source project for Content Development which can highlight some of the content side of interfacing a LMS.