
Site_Prism not finding POM elements when page.find used

So I have setup a Capybara, Cucumber project with SitePrism for POM and for the most part it works. When I use:

Then('Find object name') do
expect(@page).to have_object_name

it works just fine but when I come to use:

Then('Assign object names text to a variable') do
expect(@page).to have_object_name
valueA = @page.find('object_name').text

this doesnt work and throws an error

Unable to find css "object_name" (Capybara::ElementNotFound)

However, if I use:

Then('Assign object names text to a variable') do
expect(@page).to have_object_name
valueA = @page.find(:xpath, 'object_name_XPath').text

this works out just fine as well, but this sort of defeats the point of POM as it would greatly increase maintenance.

I assume I must be missing something to get the page.find locate the object_name from my page but I have danced around it and searched high and low but can't seem to figure the problem out. Help? :)


  • @page.find takes a CSS selector (by default - it's actually just the Capybara find method), not the name of a SitePrism element.

    If @page is a SitePrism::Page or SitePrism::Section object and you have defined elements on it, then you just access that element as a method on @page - See
