I am trying to create a quadratic prediction line for a quadratic model. I am using the Auto dataset that comes with R. I had no trouble creating the prediction line for a linear model. However, the quadratic model yields crazy looking lines. Here is my code.
# Linear Model
plot(Auto$horsepower, Auto$mpg,
main = "MPG versus Horsepower",
pch = 20)
lin_mod = lm(mpg ~ horsepower,
data = Auto)
lin_pred = predict(lin_mod)
Auto$horsepower, lin_pred,
col = "blue", lwd = 2
# The Quadratic model
Auto$horsepower2 = Auto$horsepower^2
quad_model = lm(mpg ~ horsepower2,
data = Auto)
quad_pred = predict(quad_model)
col = "red", lwd = 2
I am 99% sure that the issue is the prediction function. Why can't I produce a neat looking quadratic prediction curve? The following code I tried does not work—could it be related?:
quad_pred = predict(quad_model, data.frame(horsepower = Auto$horsepower))
The issue is that the x-axis
values aren't sorted. It wouldn't matter if was a linear model but it would be noticeable if it was polynomial. I created a new sorted data set and it works fine:
library(ISLR) # To load data Auto
# Linear Model
plot(Auto$horsepower, Auto$mpg,
main = "MPG versus Horsepower",
pch = 20)
lin_mod = lm(mpg ~ horsepower,
data = Auto)
lin_pred = predict(lin_mod)
Auto$horsepower, lin_pred,
col = "blue", lwd = 2
# The Quadratic model
Auto$horsepower2 = Auto$horsepower^2
# Sorting Auto by horsepower2
Auto2 <- Auto[order(Auto$horsepower2), ]
quad_model = lm(mpg ~ horsepower2,
data = Auto2)
quad_pred = predict(quad_model)
col = "red", lwd = 2