In the code below the first query works as expected and the result is fine. But when the second query runs the result is undefined and it throws an error when trying to access the row value. I have run the actual query manually in the db and it returns a value so there is data.
var cli = new pg.Client(conn);
await cli.connect();
//get last max log id
const {rows} = await cli.query("SELECT value as id FROM public.mytable where name = 'max_log_id'");
lastMaxId = rows[0].id; //no error here
//get max log id
const {res} = await cli.query('SELECT max(id) as id FROM public.myothertable');
console.log('RES: ' + JSON.stringify(res)); //res = undefined
maxId = res[0].id; //throws error here
Can I not run two queries with same client? Or do I need to reset the client somehow?
Figured it out, here's the answer:
var cli = new pg.Client(conn);
await cli.connect();
//get last max log id
var {rows} = await cli.query("SELECT value as id FROM table where name = 'max_log_id'");
lastMaxId = rows[0].id;
//get max log id
rows = await cli.query('SELECT max(id) as id FROM public.myothertable');
console.log('RES: ' + JSON.stringify(rows.rows[0].id));
maxId = rows.rows[0].id;