
How to rightly add resources in Qt application

I am trying to deploy windows application in Qt, so I change mode to release, but when I execute it, all it writes is

file::/qml/Main.qml: File is empty

I have already tried multiple times to rework resources.qrc, but with no success.


    <qresource prefix="/">

I have tried to copy qml and images folder (they are in same folder as main.cpp and resources.qrc), but no success too.

This is how I set main source for QQuickView :


In debug mode, there is no problem and everything start as it should.

How can I change resource/code to make it work?

Thanks for your help!


I have manage to solve it with view_>setSource(QUrl(QStringLiteral("qrc:/qml/Main.qml")));


  • You do not have to use QUrl::fromLocalFile(), that function is indicating that you are looking for a local file, but the paths handled by a .qrc are virtual.

