I am having a little bit of challenge with NiFi…MiNiFi precisely. We use MiNiFi to ship logs from remote systems to a NiFi Instance, from there to Kafka and into Elasticsearch. We can successfully do this without https, However, recently I was tasked to do same securely using https.
Using certificates, I can connect to the NiFi UI, the challenge is that MiNiFi is unable to connect to the RPG on the remote NiFi with the error "Unable to communicate with Remote NiFi at URI https://xxxx.com:9443/nifi due to: Received fatal alert: handshake_failure" . I suspect this is because of the errors below
2018-07-23 16:27:23,083 INFO [main] o.apache.nifi.controller.FlowController Not enabling RAW Socket Site-to-Site functionality because nifi.remote.input.socket.port is not set
2018-07-23 16:27:23,083 INFO [main] o.apache.nifi.controller.FlowController Not enabling HTTP(S) Site-to-Site functionality because the 'nifi.remote.input.http.enabled' property is not true
I have tried to set these properties in the nifi.properties file of MiNiFi, but the file is always overwritten at each restart with default values loaded. Please, do you have any ideas on how to resolve this?
How can I bootstrap these settings at startup in the config.yml file or any other place?
You'll need to set those in the original flow that you export from NiFi to MiNiFi. The nifi.properties
of the MiNiFi instance is automatically generated from the provided config.yml
file. That file is generated by using the MiNiFi Converter Toolkit to convert the exported template XML file.
For more, you can watch these videos or read the Getting Started Guide.
You'll want to look for lines like the following in the config.yml
Security Properties:
keystore: /tmp/ssl/localhost-ks.jks
keystore type: JKS
keystore password: localtest
key password: localtest
truststore: /tmp/ssl/localhost-ts.jks
truststore type: JKS
truststore password: localtest
ssl protocol: TLS
Sensitive Props:
provider: BC
Remote Processing Groups:
- name: http://localhost:8080/nifi
url: http://localhost:8080/nifi
comment: ''
timeout: 30 sec
yield period: 10 sec
Input Ports:
name: MiNiFi-input
comment: ''
max concurrent tasks: 1
use compression: false
Properties: # Deviates from spec and will later be removed when this is autonegotiated
Port: 1026
Host Name: localhost