
Implementating wizard (jquery.steps) in Yii2 framework

I would like to implement a Wizard (with forms) into my application. Therefore, I would like to use jquery.steps (which you can find here.

I have created an assetbundle containing the correct js files

namespace app\assets;

use yii\web\AssetBundle;

class WizardAsset extends AssetBundle
public $basePath = '@webroot';
public $baseUrl = '@web';
public $css = [
public $js = [

public $depends = [

And have the following code in my view:

use app\assets\WizardAsset;

<div id="example-basic">
        <p>Try the keyboard navigation by clicking arrow left or right!</p>
        <p>Wonderful transition effects.</p>
        <p>The next and previous buttons help you to navigate through your content.</p>

    headerTag: "h3",
    bodyTag: "section",
    transitionEffect: "slideLeft",
    autoFocus: true

This however does not seem to work: i guess the javascript files should be loaded before the .. at the end of the html file, but Yii forces the script at the end of the file. Is there a way to overcome this? Or am I correct this is the mistake?


  • Use

        headerTag: "h3",
        bodyTag: "section",
        transitionEffect: "slideLeft",
        autoFocus: true
    ); ?>

    Instead of script tag.