
Get rid of Hungarian notation in C# code in automated manner?

I have a large codebase that uses Systems Hungarian for most variable names, which basically means I have lots of objQueue's, objCommon's, dtDataSet's et cetera.

Is there any way to convert most of them? Especially, I want to get rid of irritating obj ones that have absolutely no sense, make variable names seem similar and the code completely unreadable.

There was a similar question but it was asking whether it's worth to do the replace.
Answers like “leave it as is” are not of any use to me because I'm definitely sure I need to do this.

The codebase is really large, and I don't want to rename variables one by one. Neither do I want to run Find & Replace because I'll get false hits and mess up code even further.

Is there any automated tool to make such replacements in Visual Studio? Some addin for Resharper, whatever?


  • Alas, but it seems like there is no bulk rename tool for C#.
    Please correct me if I am wrong.