
Run multiple classes using Maven

I have a package with several classes (each one encapsulating an executable program, i.e. with a main() method), i.e.:


All the classes belong to the same package (com.myorg.examples).

I know I can use maven to run one of such classes, eg:

mvn exec:java -D"exec.mainClass"="com.myorg.examples.classA"

I also know I can configure exec-maven-plugin in order to do the same using a shorter command, eg:


then use:

mvn exec:java

However, I wonder if it would be possible:

  1. To use the exec-maven-plugin (or antoher one) to configure the several executions and do something like this

    mvn exec:classA       # or,
    mvn exec:java classA 

    so classA is run, but using a shorter syntax than plain exec:java. Looking to the XML structure it seems only one class can be set, so I'm not sure how to achieve that.

  2. To execute all the classes, in sequence, eg:

    mvn exec-all

    in order to run classA, next classB, and so on.

Any help or link about these topics will be highly welcomed. Thanks!

EDIT: second part of the question has been spined off to this other post.


  • You can configure several executions which is available since Maven version 3.3.1


    So you can now call Maven via:

    The following will execute the one where id: default-cli:

    mvn exec:java

    The following will execute the one where id: second-cli:

    mvn exec:java@second-cli

    The following will execute the one where id: thirds-cli:

    mvn exec:java@third-cli

    The question is why you have several main classes in a different packages but within a single Maven module which sounds for me to have different modules (as you already have packages).. The other question is why do you need to execute them via exec-maven-plugin? What is the intention ?