I need to validate that the hex color of the text of the cell Discount is #FF1493 and the hex color of the background of the same cell is #FFC0CB.
I'm getting the rgb color of the background but I could not convert it into hex and I'm not able to get the hex color of the text.
Please find below the code and a screenshot of the table in order to give you an idea about the cell into question.
String fileFormat = FileManagement.getFileFormat(new java.io.File(fileName));
List<String> content = new ArrayList<>();
HSSFWorkbook workbookXLS = null;
try {
InputStream ExcelFileToRead = new FileInputStream(fileName);
//Getting the workbook instance for .XLS('old' excel format) file
workbookXLS = new HSSFWorkbook(ExcelFileToRead);
} catch (FileNotFoundException | NotOLE2FileException ex) {
fail(ex.getMessage() + "! File: " + fileName);
//getting the first or specific sheet from the workbook
HSSFSheet sheetXLS = workbookXLS.getSheetAt(0);
HSSFCell cellXLS;
//Iterating all the rows in the sheet
Iterator rows = sheetXLS.rowIterator();
while (rows.hasNext()) {
rowXLS = (HSSFRow) rows.next();
if (rowXLS.getRowNum() = 7) {
cellXLS = rowXLS.getCell(0);
if (cellXLS.getCellTypeEnum() == CellType.STRING) {
if (cellXLS.getStringCellValue().equals("loads : Id")) {
Color colorFG = cellXLS.getCellStyle().getFillForegroundColorColor();
short[] rgb = HSSFColor.toHSSFColor(colorFG).getTriplet(); //this returns the rgb color of the background -> 255 192 203
System.out.println("THE FIRST COLOR RGB IS " + rgb[0] + "SECOND " + rgb[1] + "THIRD " + rgb[2]);
Color colorBG = cellXLS.getCellStyle().getFillBackgroundColorColor();
short[] hshs = HSSFColor.toHSSFColor(colorBG).getTriplet(); //this returns -> 0 0 0
System.out.println("THE SECOND COLOR RGB IS" + hshs[0] + "SECOND " + hshs[1] + "THIRD " + hshs[2]);
} else if (cellXLS.getCellTypeEnum() == CellType.NUMERIC) {
}[![enter image description here][1]][1]
Any help will be highly appreciated.
You can try with this:
String hex = String.format("#%02x%02x%02x", rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]);
or for capital X:
String hex = String.format("#%02X%02X%02X", rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]);