
How to generate a print data file for Honeywell mobile computer to print on a Zebra Bluetooth printer by its utility, BTPrint.exe?

I have a Honeywell Dolphin 6510 mobile computer( hand-held device with Windows Mobile 6.0 OS ).

I want to develop an application which will be run on this mobile computer. The application needs to call a Honeywell device stock command utility, BTPrint.exe, to print on a Zebra Bluetooth printer. The path and filename of a print data file will be the value of 'CommandArgs' of the command, BTPrint.

This print data file needs to include the formatting commands for the printer used.

Here is the way about Honeywell devices printing on Bluetooth printers.

Is there any sample code that reads a label format file created by Zebra Designer and then generates a print data file for Zebra printer which will be used by the Honeywell print utility, BTPrint.exe?

Btw, I have tried to download and install Honeywell SDK several times in order to find some of these samples. But every time I failed in installing process. I wrote to its support email address for help, but have not gotten any reply. :-(

Thank you all in advance.


  • At last, I found that we can generate these print data files( .prn for Toshiba TEC portable printer ) with utility, BarTender, which is a 3rd-party tool some like Zebra Designer.

    And, I actually printed out on a TEC printer with the command "BTPrint.exe \Temp\mytec.prn" running on my Honeywell mobile computer.

    In fact, we also can generate a print data file for Zebra printer with utility, Zebra Designer.

    For you all reference.