I am getting a mask out of a polygon and below is the image. Now I see that there is a white boundary but I want not just the boundary but inside boundary as white too.
Here is my code:
sar_polygon = Image.new('L', (int(range_samples), int(azimuth_lines)), 0)
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(sar_polygon)
for vertex in range(len(sar_ver)):
st = sar_ver[vertex]
end = sar_ver[vertex + 1]
except IndexError:
end = sar_ver[0]
draw.line((st[0], st[1], end[0], end[1]), fill=1)
sar_polygon.save('polygon.jpg', 'JPEG')
You are currently drawing lines along the edges. You are interested in the polygon method, or perhaps the rectangle method - http://pillow.readthedocs.io/en/5.2.x/reference/ImageDraw.html#PIL.ImageDraw.PIL.ImageDraw.ImageDraw.polygon.
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
sar_polygon = Image.new('RGB', (500, 500))
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(sar_polygon)
sar_ver = ((100,100),(200,100),(200,200),(100,200))
draw.polygon(sar_ver, fill='#f00')
sar_polygon.save('polygon.jpg', 'JPEG')