
Monaco editor - integration with JSHint

Is there any way to integrate monaco editor with a jshint linting tool?

I know that monaco provides a possibility to set up compiler options, but they are not enough for me. For instance, I would like to require semicolons at the end of the statements but can't find a way to do that.


  • Ok, I have found one way, but I am still thinking if there is a better one.

    Basically, I can run the JSHint analysis of my code manually.

    jshint.JSHINT(this.code, options, predef)

    And afterwards based on the results I can create my custom model markers. Something like:

    let errors = => {
            return {
              startLineNumber: e.line,
              startColumn: e.character,
              endLineNumber: e.line,
              endColumn: e.character,
              message: e.raw,
              severity: e.code.startsWith('E') ? monaco.Severity.Error : monaco.Severity.Warning

    And set model markers for my editor.

    monaco.editor.setModelMarkers(this.editor.getModel(), 'test', errors)

    This works, although I still would like to customise the error markers, but maybe there is more natural way of doing it?