
Turbine stream double port binding issue

I'm using Spring Boot 1.5.4 and Spring Cloud Dalston SR4 to stand up a Turbine server on Cloud Foundry and aggregate my application Hystrix streams. In addition I want to add Spring Boot Actuator monitoring and management to the Turbine server. I realize there is ample documentation on how to do this in a local environment and I do have it working locally. However it is a different matter when deploying to Cloud Foundry where I cannot use port numbers in a Url binding.

The issue is that the Turbine stream is provided by an RxNetty server on one port and the Actuator endpoints are provided by via Tomcat on another port. In Cloud Foundry I can only bind my Url to RxNetty endpoint or the Tomcat endpoint, not both.

No combination of management.port and turbine.stream.port allows me to access the turbine stream and the actuator endpoints from one host binding. The following is an example of what I would expect to be able to do:-

https://myapp.mydomain.com/info (to report actuator info details) https://myapp.mydomain.com/turbine.stream (to stream turbine metrics)

Note: There are no port numbers in these Urls.


  • Just getting back to this now. As noted by spencergibb, moving to springboot 2.0 and cloud Finchley works.