
Stacking Raster in R: Cannot create a RasterLayer object from this file. (file does not exist)

I have several hundred Landsat8 scenes with 12 bands each. I have stored them all in one folder. And now i try to stack them all together in R for easier batch processing of indices. This is the code im using:

#Create List of files (whole path is used) 
L8files = list.files(path = 

#Write Names of Files in List
getprefix = function(string){
substr(string, 61, 113) 

L8list = lapply(L8files, getprefix)

#Defining function to stack
stack_raster= function(file){
  prefix = substr(file, 1, 106)
  suffix = "tif"

  inband1 = raster(paste (prefix, paste("B1", suffix, sep ="."), sep=""))#coastal aerosol
  inband2 = raster(paste (prefix, paste("B2", suffix, sep ="."), sep="")) #blue
  inband3 = raster(paste (prefix, paste("B3", suffix, sep ="."), sep="")) #green
  inband4 = raster(paste (prefix, paste("B4", suffix, sep ="."), sep="")) #red
  inband5 = raster(paste (prefix, paste("B5", suffix, sep ="."), sep="")) #NIR
  inband6 = raster(paste (prefix, paste("B6", suffix, sep ="."), sep="")) #swir1
  inband7 = raster(paste (prefix, paste("B7", suffix, sep ="."), sep="")) #swir2
  inband8 = raster(paste (prefix, paste("B8", suffix, sep ="."), sep="")) #PAN
  inband9 = raster(paste (prefix, paste("B9", suffix, sep ="."), sep="")) #cirrus
  inband10 = raster(paste (prefix, paste("B10", suffix, sep ="."), sep="")) #TIRS1 
  inband11 = raster(paste (prefix, paste("B11", suffix, sep ="."), sep="")) #TIRS2
  inbandQBA = raster(paste (prefix, paste("QBA", suffix, sep ="."), sep=""))#Pre-Collection Quality Assessment

#stack bands
 inimage = stack(inband1, inband2, inband3, inband4, inband5, inband6, 
 inband7, inband8,inband9, inband10, inband11, inbandQBA)

sat = substr(file, 67, 70)
date = substr(file, 84, 91)
writeRaster(inimage, filename = paste(date, sat, sep="_"),
          format="GTiff", overwrite=TRUE)
for (i in L8list){

I think the stack function doesn´t know which file to use, but i also dont know how to change that. Below you see what Debug shows me. I cant really read anything out of it but that the file doesnt exist.

function (x, band = 1, objecttype = "RasterLayer", native = FALSE, 
  silent = TRUE, offset = NULL, ncdf = FALSE, ...) 
  x <- trim(x)
  if (x == "" | x == ".") {
    stop("provide a valid filename")
  start <- tolower(substr(x, 1, 3))
  if (!start %in% c("htt", "ftp")) {
    y <- NULL
    try(y <- normalizePath(x, mustWork = TRUE), silent = TRUE)
    if (!is.null(y)) {
      x <- y
  fileext <- toupper(extension(x))
  if (fileext %in% c(".GRD", ".GRI")) {
    grifile <- .setFileExtensionValues(x, "raster")
    grdfile <- .setFileExtensionHeader(x, "raster")
    if (file.exists(grdfile) & file.exists(grifile)) {
      return(.rasterFromRasterFile(grdfile, band = band, 
        objecttype, ...))
  if (!file.exists(x)) {
    if (extension(x) == "") {
      grifile <- .setFileExtensionValues(x, "raster")
      grdfile <- .setFileExtensionHeader(x, "raster")
      if (file.exists(grdfile) & file.exists(grifile)) {
        return(.rasterFromRasterFile(grdfile, band = band, 
          objecttype, ...))
      else {
  if ((fileext %in% c(".HE5", ".NC", ".NCF", ".NC4", ".CDF", 
    ".NCDF", ".NETCDF")) | (isTRUE(ncdf))) {
    return(.rasterObjectFromCDF(x, type = objecttype, band = band, 
  if (fileext == ".GRD") {
    if (.isNetCDF(x)) {
      return(.rasterObjectFromCDF(x, type = objecttype, 
        band = band, ...))
  if (fileext == ".BIG" | fileext == ".BRD") {
    return(.rasterFromRasterFile(x, band = band, objecttype, 
      driver = "big.matrix", ...))
  if (!is.null(offset)) {
    return(.rasterFromASCIIFile(x, offset, ...))
  if (fileext %in% c(".BIN")) {
    r <- .rasterFromNSIDCFile(x)
    if (!is.null(r)) 
  if (!native) {
    if (!.requireRgdal(FALSE)) {
      native <- TRUE
  if (native) {
    if (fileext == ".ASC") {
      return(.rasterFromASCIIFile(x, ...))
    if (fileext %in% c(".BIL", ".BIP", ".BSQ")) {
      return(.rasterFromGenericFile(x, type = objecttype, 
    if (fileext %in% c(".RST", ".RDC")) {
      return(.rasterFromIDRISIFile(x, ...))
    if (fileext %in% c(".DOC", ".IMG")) {
      return(.rasterFromIDRISIFile(x, old = TRUE, ...))
    if (fileext %in% c(".SGRD", ".SDAT")) {
      return(.rasterFromSAGAFile(x, ...))
   if (fileext == ".DOC") {
   if (file.exists(extension(x, ".img"))) {
      return(.rasterFromIDRISIFile(x, old = TRUE, ...))
  if (fileext %in% c(".SGRD", ".SDAT")) {
    r <- .rasterFromSAGAFile(x, ...)
    if (r@file@toptobottom | r@data@gain != 1) {
  if (!.requireRgdal(FALSE)) {
    stop("Cannot create RasterLayer object from this file; perhaps you need 
to install rgdal first")
  test <- try(r <- .rasterFromGDAL(x, band = band, objecttype, 
    ...), silent = silent)
  if (class(test) == "try-error") {
   if (!file.exists(x)) {
      stop("Cannot create a RasterLayer object from this file. (file does not 
    stop("Cannot create a RasterLayer object from this file.")
  else {


  • There is an easier trick that should work when each landsat image (with their bands) is in a separate folder. Then the following can be applied:

    list <- list.files(path='C:/ENTERPATHHERE', full.names=TRUE)
    inimage <- stack(list)

    The above code works for me. If you apply it and it still doesn't for you you might want to check whether all the locations of your rasters are written correctly.

    Hopefully I was able to help!