
Unable to run yarn during hadoop installation

I am installing HDFS on my local Windows machine. The installayion guide I am following is https://github.com/MuhammadBilalYar/Hadoop-On-Window/wiki/Step-by-step-Hadoop-2.8.0-installation-on-Window-10

I was able to follow all the steps mentioned in the above guide. However, in the final step when I run "start-all.cmd" in sbin directory, the yarn nodemanager and resourcemanger fail to execute with the following error Couldn't find a package.json file in "C:\hadoop-3.0.3\hadoop-3.0.3\sbin".

Please find below the screenshot

enter image description here

Any suggestions on how to get around with this?


  • Hadoop doesn't care about a package.json file, so that's the first sign something is off with your system.

    You've installed yarn the NPM package manager, which directly conflicts with Hadoop's yarn command

    You can edit your system PATH to make Hadoop be before the NPM libraries, but then you're going to break your Nodejs development process