
how to prevent tags from word wrapping?

I have a well of tags that I don't want to word-wrap, but I do want to have the list of tags wrap. For example:

[first] [second thing] [yet another thing]

what I DONT want is:

[first] [second 
thing] [yet another thing]

ie breaking within the tag.

what I DO want is like this:

[first] [second thing] 
[yet another thing]

I've messed with

word-break: break-word;
/* white-space: nowrap; */

on the parent and child, without any success. either the whole field just ends up as one line - with no breaking at all, or I get breaks within the tags.

currently I have this:

.tag-box {
  word-break: break-word;

.tag {
  color: white;
  background: #000;
  border: 1px solid white;
  border-radius: 5px;
  margin-bottom: 10px;
  margin-right: 5px;  
  padding: 5px;
  line-height: 200%;
  /* word-break: break-word; */
  /* white-space: nowrap; */


  • Here is a fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/5fev6o2p/6/

    CSS code:

    .tag-box {
      word-break: break-word;
    .tag {
      color: white;
      background: #000;
      border: 1px solid white;
      border-radius: 5px;
      margin-bottom: 10px;
      margin-right: 5px;  
      padding: 5px;
      line-height: 200%;


    <ul class="tag-box">
      <li class="tag">[first]</li>
      <li class="tag">[second thing]</li>
      <li class="tag">[third thing]</li>
      <li class="tag">[yet another thing]</li>
      <li class="tag">[first]</li>
      <li class="tag">[second thing]</li>
      <li class="tag">[third thing]</li>
      <li class="tag">[yet another thing]</li>