I'm running a task in VSTS which performs some operations on a variable from a previous step and I then need to output the result to be used in future tasks. I have the following in a command line task running on a linux build host but am having no luck when trying to use the result later with $(podName3).
COMMAND="$(echo '$(pods)' | grep -oh -P '[^ ]*' | grep schema)"
##vso[task.setvariable variable=podName3]"$COMMAND"
I have tried several variations on this to no avail and need some direction as this has stumped me for too long now
Seems the syntax is incorrect.
Just try to below format:
COMMAND="$(echo '$pods' | grep -oh -P '[^ ]*' | grep schema)"
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=podName3]$COMMAND"
Or add a powershell task and run below commands to set the variable:
$COMMAND="$(echo '$env:pods' | grep -oh -P '[^ ]*' | grep schema)"
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=podName3]$COMMAND"
More information please see Define and modify your variables in a script