
Is it possible to compile/install Perl6 on a Raspberry Pi 3?

I am trying to install Rakudo Star 2018.04 on a Raspberry Pi 3.

I do:

sudo perl Configure.pl --gen-moar --gen-nqp --prefix ~/rakudo

and it completes successfully.

And then I try:

sudo make-install

but it fails with:

The following step can take a long time, please be patient.
/home/pi/rakudo/bin/moar --libpath="blib" --libpath="/home/pi/rakudo/share/nqp/lib" --libpath="/home/pi/rakudo/share/nqp/lib" perl6.moarvm --nqp-lib=blib --setting=NULL --ll-exception --optimize=3 --target=mbc --stagestats --output=CORE.setting.moarvm gen/moar/CORE.setting
Stage start      :   0.000
Stage parse      : 459.019
Stage syntaxcheck:   0.000
Stage ast        :   0.000
Stage optimize   : Killed
Makefile:504: recipe for target 'CORE.setting.moarvm' failed
make[1]: *** [CORE.setting.moarvm] Error 137
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/pi/rakudo-star-2018.04/rakudo'
Makefile:43: recipe for target 'rakudo/perl6-m' failed
make: *** [rakudo/perl6-m] Error 2

System info:

OS: Raspbian GNU/Linux 9.4 (stretch) armv7l
Model: Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Rev 1.2
Kernel: 4.14.34-v7+ 
Uptime: 62 days, 31 minutes 
Packages: 552 
Shell: bash 4.4.12 
CPU: ARMv7 rev 4 (v7l) (4) @ 1.2GHz 
Memory: 137MB / 927MB

Any ideas?


  • You might try and increase the swap space, as indicated in this answer in the RasPi SO. It's going to be slow, however, but once it's built, it's built for good, I guess.