Is it possible to use plugin along with React and Materialize-css.
My project has multiple input components
which may or may not be used inside a form
. I would like to use formvalidation
plugin for validation of input component.
Not able to find any documentation related to this. Is this possible? If possible please someone share me references related to this.
import $ from "jquery/dist/jquery.min.js";
window.jQuery = $;
window.$ = $;
import M from "materialize-css/dist/js/materialize.min.js";
window.M = M;
import "formvalidation/dist/js/formValidation.min.js"
Thanks for all feedback.
Finally found some documentation related to this with help of team.
This documentation explains how to use form-validation in materialize css : Reference - Using formvalidation with materialize css
This documentation give information about how to use formvalidation in React : Reference - Using formvalidation with react