
Morgan logger not recording date or time correctly

The logger in my node.js app isn't recording the date or time correctly. I'm using morgan as the logging module, and moment-timezone to correctly record the date and time in my timezone (pacific stadard time). Yesterday, it was recording the date and time according to the format I set up, but today it isn't.

Here's the code for the morgan date token using moment-timezone:

morgan.token('date', (req, res, tz) => {
    return moment().tz("America/Los_Angeles").format('YYYY-MM-DD, HH:mm a');

And here's the code where I use the date token in morgan.format():

morgan.format('logFormat', '[:date[America/Los_Angeles]], :resource, :remote-addr, :status, :response-time ms');

Yesterday, my requests were logging with this format:

[2018-07-31, 14:57 pm], hoopla, ::1, 401, 104.144 ms

Today everything is being logged like this:

[YYYY-MM-DD, HH:mm a], hoopla, ::1, 401, 45.995 ms

The only change I made was adding new routes to the app, but each logging middleware is logging to a separate file, based on the route being used. Does anyone know why my date token isn't displaying the date anymore?


  • The morgan.token('date'... part with MomentJS logging the timezone looks all right to me!

    I bet this is a syntactic error in the custom token format. If you don't need to pass a param, according to the morgan docs, you can use custom token formats simply with semicolumn, like so :date. Therefore, try simply with:

    morgan.format('logFormat', ':date, :resource, :remote-addr, :status, :response-time ms');