In AWS Device Farm, I created a new run. I chose native application. I uploaded my APK. I chose Calabash as the tests. I got this error message:
Tests skipped due to test package parsing error. Please check Parsing result for more details.
I downloaded the Parsing result. Here's what it said:
Failed to run cucumber dry-run command. See the information below for more details.
Here are the contents for the Parsing result:
'cucumber --dry-run --format json --out /tmp/scratchvxnAeX.scratch/tmpF6f5Xx' failed.
Could not find proper version of cucumber (2.99.0) in any of the sources
Run `bundle install` to install missing gems.
I have some .rb
page objects. I added require 'calabash-android'
to the top of those files. Then I made a new run and ran it. It worked.
How I got to the solution
Through Google I came across CALABASH_TEST_PACKAGE_DRY_RUN_FAILED here.
Running this command failed: cucumber-ios --dry-run --format json features
I figured that was for ios. So I tried this: bundle exec calabash-android run .\app-releaseStaging.apk --dry-run
. I got this error:
uninitialized constant Calabash::ABase (NameError)
I wasn't getting that error when running locally.
According to this:
Invokes formatters without executing the steps. This also omits the loading of your support/env.rb file if it exists.
I had require 'calabash-android'
inside env.rb
. So I moved it to my page objects. Then it worked.
You may find the aws-device-farm-calabash-tests-for-sample-app useful.