I'm programmatically creating multi-line UILabels ([label setNumberOfLines:0];
The built-in sizeToFit
method of UILabel works great for 1 line UILabels, but for multi-line text, it sets the height properly, but the width is set too small, causing longer text lines to wrap.
I don't know the label width until after the user enters their text. I want to resize the labels to fit the width of the longest line of text. And per @DonMag's comment, I also want to restrict the label to not be wider than the screen.
I tried different lineBreakMode
settings but there isn't a 'nowrap' option.
I've searched SO and there are many related solutions but none that solve the problem of sizeToFit for both width and height.
Is there a way to programmatically size a multi-line UILabel to fit BOTH the width AND the height of the text?
You can do this with boundingRectWithSize
Add your label to the view and give it a starting width constraint (doesn't really matter what value, as it will be changed).
Keep a reference to that width constraint (IBOutlet works fine if you're using IB).
Don't give it a height constraint.
When you set the text of the label, you can use this to change its width:
// get the font of the label
UIFont *theFont = _theLabel.font;
// get the text of the label
NSString *theString = _theLabel.text;
// calculate the bounding rect, limiting the width to the width of the view
CGRect r = [theString boundingRectWithSize:CGSizeMake(self.view.frame.size.width, CGFLOAT_MAX)
options:(NSStringDrawingUsesLineFragmentOrigin | NSStringDrawingUsesFontLeading)
attributes:@{NSFontAttributeName: theFont}
// change the constant of the constraint to the calculated width
_theWidthConstraint.constant = ceil(r.size.width);
// NOTE: If you are *not* using auto-layout,
// this same calculation can be used to explicitly set
// the .frame of the label.
As per the OP's requirement, a complete, runnable example -- using code only, no storyboards / IB -- can be found here: https://github.com/DonMag/MultilineLabelFitWidth
Edit 2:
GitHub project updated... now includes examples for both manual frame setting and auto layout / constraints.