Trying to count the number of noun appeared in a paragraph with Google's NL api using ruby.
Been looking up the document, couldn't find how to do this.
Work out a solution last night
text = 'xxxxxxxxxx'
response = language.analyze_syntax content: text, type: :PLAIN_TEXT
sentences = response.sentences
tokens = response.tokens
x= tokens.count
a =
for i in 1..x
a[i-1] = tokens[i-1].part_of_speech.tag.to_s
for i in 1..x
if a[i-1] == 'NOUN'
num= num+1
still wondering if there exist something like (tokens.noun.count ?) in the nl api
Building on your example, you could count the number of NOUN
s like so:
text = 'xxxxxxxxxx'
response = language.analyze_syntax content: text, type: :PLAIN_TEXT
tokens = response.tokens
tokens.count { |t| t.part_of_speech.tag.to_s == 'NOUN' }
Note that in ruby, it is very common style to use iterators like this, rather than defining temporary variables and using for
loops. (In fact, you should almost never find a need to use for
loops in ruby!)
This clean, concise syntax is one of the biggest appeals of the ruby language. Very often, you can obtain a desired result in one line of code like that rather than all of this temporary array and index counter declarations.