
Chart.js stacked bar chart - sorting values in bar by value

I try to implement a stacked bar chart using Chart.js framework (version 2.7) und faced following problem: single data elements are drawn in each bar in the same order as provided in JSON structure (which is absolutely logical and understandable). I would like to have them sorted: biggest elements at the bottom of the bar, smallest at its top.

I suppose it can be accomplished using some plugin customization black magic but can not figure it out.

Any help would be appreciated.


var chart = new Chart(document.getElementById('canvas'), {
				type : 'bar',
				data : {
					labels : ["2018-07-06", "2018-07-07", "2018-07-08", "2018-07-09", "2018-07-10"],
					datasets : [
							label: "Dataset 1", 
							backgroundColor: "red", 
							data: [ {x: "2018-07-06", y: 1}, {x: "2018-07-07", y: 2}, {x: "2018-07-08", y: 3}]
							label: "Dataset 2", 
							backgroundColor: "blue", 
							data: [ {x: "2018-07-06", y: 3}, {x: "2018-07-07", y: 2}, {x: "2018-07-08", y: 1}]
							label: "Dataset 3", 
							backgroundColor: "green", 
							data: [ {x: "2018-07-06", y: 2}, {x: "2018-07-07", y: 1}, {x: "2018-07-08", y: 2}]
					borderWidth : 1
				options : {
					responsive : true,
					maintainAspectRatio : false,
					title : {
						display : true,
						text : 'Test'
					scales : {
						xAxes : [ {
							stacked : true,
							time : {
								unit : 'day'
						} ],
						yAxes : [ {
							stacked : true,
							ticks : {
								beginAtZero : true
						} ]
<script src=""></script>
<canvas id="canvas" height="500" width="500"></canvas>

In this example I would like to have order of colors in each column inversed: blue-green-red in first one,
red-blue-green or blue-red-green in second, red-green-blue in the third.


  • Probably it could be done somehow more efficient and / or beautiful, but I had to solve it on my own.

    * chart.js do not support stacked bar charts, which are sorted by value,
    * therefore it's needed to perform this functionality with custom plugins
    * Sorts data by value and calculates values for bar stacks
    beforeDraw(chart) {
        // create data container in chart instance
        chart.sortedData = {};
        // iterate over datasets, datasetIndex) => {
            // iterate over dataset records
  , index) => {
                // create data container for bar stack data
                if(!chart.sortedData[index]) {
                    chart.sortedData[index] = {
                        data: []
                // save data
                chart.sortedData[index].data[datasetIndex] = {
                    datasetIndex: datasetIndex,
                    hidden: chart.getDatasetMeta(datasetIndex).hidden ? true : false,
                    color: dataset.backgroundColor,
                    y: chart.getDatasetMeta(datasetIndex).data[index]._model.y,
                    base: chart.getDatasetMeta(datasetIndex).data[index]._model.base,
        var chartTop = chart.scales['y-axis-0'].top;
        var max = chart.scales['y-axis-0'].max;
        var h = chart.scales['y-axis-0'].height / max;
        // iterate over datasets, datasetIndex) => {
            // iterate over dataset records
  , index) => {
                // sort data in bar stack by value
                chart.sortedData[index].data = Object.keys(chart.sortedData[index].data)
                    .map(k => chart.sortedData[index].data[k])
                    .sort((a, b) => a.value - b.value);
                // iterate over stack records
                chart.sortedData[index].data.forEach((d, i) => {
                    // calculate base value
                    d.base = chartTop + (max - Object.keys(chart.sortedData[index].data)
                        .map(k => chart.sortedData[index].data[k].value)
                        .reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0)) * h
                        + Object.keys(chart.sortedData[index].data)
                        .map(k => chart.sortedData[index].data[k])
                        .filter(d => d.hidden)
                        .reduce((a, b) => a + b.value, 0) * h;                  
                    // increase base value with values of previous records
                    for (var j = 0; j < i; j++) {
                        d.base += chart.sortedData[index].data[j].hidden 
                            ? 0 
                            : h * chart.sortedData[index].data[j].value;
                    // set y value
                    d.y = d.base + h * d.value;
    * Sets values for base and y
    beforeDatasetDraw(chart, args) {
        chart.getDatasetMeta(args.index).data.forEach((data, index) => {
            var el = chart.sortedData[index].data.filter(e => e.datasetIndex === args.index)[0];
            data._model.y = el.y;
            data._model.base = el.base;
    var chart = new Chart(document.getElementById('canvas'), {
                    type : 'bar',
                    data : {
                        labels : ["2018-07-06", "2018-07-07", "2018-07-08", "2018-07-09", "2018-07-10"],
                        datasets : [
                                label: "Dataset 1", 
                                backgroundColor: "red", 
                                data: [ {x: "2018-07-06", y: 1}, {x: "2018-07-07", y: 2}, {x: "2018-07-08", y: 3}]
                                label: "Dataset 2", 
                                backgroundColor: "blue", 
                                data: [ {x: "2018-07-06", y: 3}, {x: "2018-07-07", y: 2}, {x: "2018-07-08", y: 1}]
                                label: "Dataset 3", 
                                backgroundColor: "green", 
                                data: [ {x: "2018-07-06", y: 2}, {x: "2018-07-07", y: 1}, {x: "2018-07-08", y: 2}]
                        borderWidth : 1
                    options : {
                        responsive : true,
                        maintainAspectRatio : false,
                        title : {
                            display : true,
                            text : 'Test'
                        scales : {
                            xAxes : [ {
                                stacked : true,
                                time : {
                                    unit : 'day'
                            } ],
                            yAxes : [ {
                                stacked : true,
                                ticks : {
                                    beginAtZero : true
                            } ]
    <script src=""></script>
    <canvas id="canvas" height="500" width="500"></canvas>