
Binding Item data to the Detail View

This is my View Page


<mvc:View xmlns:core="sap.ui.core" xmlns:mvc="sap.ui.core.mvc" xmlns="sap.m" xmlns:f="sap.ui.layout.form" xmlns:anubhav="myfiori.controls" xmlns:html="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" controllerName="myfiori.controller.SecondView">
<Page title="My Second View" showNavButton="true" navButtonPress="onBack" content="{/ZPO_HEADERSet}">

        <Table id="lineItemsList" width="auto" items="{toItems}">
                <Toolbar id="lineItemsToolbar">
                    <Title id="lineItemsHeader" />
                    <Text text="Doc No" />
                <Column >
                    <Text text="Material No"/>
            <ColumnListItem >
                        <Text text="{Ebelp}"/>
                        <Text text="{Matnr}"/>


My Item data path is "ZPO_HEADERSet('1100000001’)".so that I will get all the Items for the particular Header Id.

My controller


 sPath = "/ZPO_HEADERSet('" + Id + "')";

On pressing the Master Row, I should get it's items. But I'm getting all Item rows of every Header Id as shown in below screenshot.

enter image description here


  • This is because in your Page you are binding the whole entity set to the content aggregation.

    Delete this content="{/ZPO_HEADERSet}" and try again.

    The bindElement(sPath) function will prefix all your relative bindings with the 'sPath'