
increase website traffic by visiting website with python script and tor proxy

I want to make a script that open a url with python and stay in website for seconds and then do this over and over to increase website traffic. with tor and request lib in python I write this script and I config tor to change IP every 5 seconds :

import requests
import time

url = ''
while True:
    proxy = {'http': 'socks5://'}
    print(requests.get(url, proxies=proxy).text)

But when I checked my google analytic or my Alexa account, I notice the traffics which made by this script, aren't affect. I wonder how can I make traffics for a website which affect and the tools like google analytic couldn't find that my traffics aren't fake either.


  • It won't help at all. See how Alexa traffic rankings are determined. Metrics are collected from a panel of users with certain browser extensions installed that report their browsing habits, or by Alexa Javascript code you install on your site.

    Given those metrics for collection, visiting your site with Tor and Python code won't have any impact on your ranking.